Our Research & Development Center
Monterey Bay, California Recognizing the attractiveness of the unique Monterey Bay environment to our global network of scientists, engineers, and consultants, we are consolidating our technology research and product development operations in the Monterey Bay area. At the same time, we are reaching out to local universities, institutes, government agencies, and commercial ventures for the purpose of investigating ways of working cooperatively in the pursuit of solutions to Water/Energy/Food Security Nexus issues. |
World Class
Oceanographic InstitutesThe Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary has attracted dozens of oceanographic institutes (e.g., Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Hopkins Marine Station, Naval Postgraduate School, NOAA).
If your mission is sustainable seawater desalination, these are the experts you need to engage (and we do). |
Entrepreneurial Technologists Silicon Valley is just over the hill, and heading towards us fast. Around here, turning great ideas into great companies is a core competency.
Where else would you go to commercialize Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Water technologies? Nowhere else, this is it. |