Renewably Powered Seawater Desalination
Powered By Water
The Hydrogen Revolution NexGenDesal™ Systems are designed to be powered by Hydrogen Fuel Cells, with necessary hydrogen produced on-site through electrolysis of water. The electrolysis process can be driven by any number of renewable energy sources (e.g., wind, solar, sea kinetic, etc.) |
In this configuration, NexGenDesal™ plants are completely self-reliant and immune from power grid outages (whether they are caused by nature or man), The only by-product of this power cycle is H2O, and the cost of power remains stable (rather than fluctuating with the cost of oil, gas, coal, or nuclear regulatory compliance), which translates into stable water prices.
Powered By Trash
Powered by the Sea
Photovoltaic panels are able to convert both direct and diffuse irradiation into electricity. Depending on the solar irradiance of a particular site, solar power can usually be competitive with conventional electrical generation on a per kilowatt basis. Because the OpEx of solar power is so well documented and easily calculated, we can now confidently predict the long term energy costs for solar powered desalination which makes it a preferred power source for our NexGenDesal Systems.
Wind energy has been used since the earliest recorded history to move ships, grind grain and pump water. In recent years the CapEx and OpEx of wind turbines have become competitive with other forms of electrical power generation when the wind profile of a particular site is appropriate. Seaside sites often have appropriate wind profiles and wind has therefore become a useful power source for seawater desalination.